welcome to the site!

hello and welcome to my silly place :D im beta! i go by she/they and i really like coding and art. here you can find things about me, things i like, and all that good stuff. this sites always growing and changing along with me, so feel free to check it semi often! i hope you have a good time here!

most of the chibis around the site are actually my persona, and all the art of them are by me. if you like the art, you can find more of it here ^^

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i thought it would be cute to have a little section where i can talk about whatever thing is currently latching on to my brain, so heres this! could be from fandoms to hobbies, just whatever is taking all of my brain space lol. i can probably tell that a few things are going to be here pretty often... cough cough ace attorney... but hey i think it'll be fun :D i hope you enjoy this little rambling zone

current interest -->

okay so to be fair its not entirely just vocaloid, its also coding but most of these days ive been coding ive been listening to some vocaloid songs so... according to spotify my most listed to vocaloid song right now is villain by teniwoha? and i get that 100% its such a good song guys im serious everyone should listen to it. next to that is egoist and mesmerizer... if you want to see my whole playlist its here! its about 3 hours but its wonderful.

in terms of like favorite vocaloids and stuff i really love gumi and flower, gumis eng vb is just peak and i love flowers kinda growl-y voice? its really nice to listen to and a lot of my favorites have her. i also love miku ofc and i also like kaito and fukase! everyones character designs are so cool and its fun seeing how different people interpret them! i think everyone should dabble in a little bit of vocaloid as i think its a really cool 'genre' of music!